Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1932-2232 ( Print )   |   1932-2240 ( Online )   Active

Journal ACM Communications in Computer Algebra

Aim & Scope

SIGSAM provides members with a forum in which to exchange ideas about the practical and theoretical aspects of algebraic and symbolic mathematical computation. Its scope of interest includes design, analysis and application of algorithms, data structures, systems, and languages. Worldwide, SIGSAM is a primary international society in its area and sponsors the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC), the premiere annual meeting in this field. Areas of Special Interest: Computer algebra, algebraic algorithms, symbolic mathematical computation systems, applications of symbolic mathematical computation to science, engineering, and education. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1967  -  2005  ) ACM SIGSAM Bulletin (  2006  -  9999  ) ACM Communications in Computer Algebra
2023 - VOLUME 57, ISSUE 4
2 RESULTS in 15 msec

On the Complexity of Chow and Hurwitz Forms

M Dogan , A Ergür , E Tsigaridas

ACM Communications in Computer Algebra , 2023 - VOLUME 57, ISSUE 4 , pp 167-199.


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A Proof of the Brill-Noether Method from Scratch

E Berardini , A Couvreur , G Lecerf

ACM Communications in Computer Algebra , 2023 - VOLUME 57, ISSUE 4 , pp 200-229.


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