
Publisher A. R. Liss


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Periodicals Published by A. R. Liss
10 RESULTS in 7 msec
Inactive ( 1979 - 1983 )   Advances in Shock Research

0195-878X ( Print ) 
A. R. Liss

10 211
Inactive ( 1983 - 1983 )   Anatomical Record - Supplement

0749-3002 ( Print ) 
A. R. LissAmerican Association of AnatomistsWistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology

1 6
Inactive ( 1979 - 19uu )   Circulatory Shock - Supplement

0193-7545 ( Print ) 
A. R. Liss

1 8
Inactive ( 1977 - 1986 )   Current Topics in Nutrition and Disease

0191-2453 ( Print ) 
A. R. Liss

0 0
Inactive ( 1987 - 1990 )   Journal of Experimental Zoology - Supplement

1059-8324 ( Print ) 
A. R. LissAmerican Society of ZoologistsWistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology

5 156
Inactive ( 1983 - 1990 )   Monographs in Primatology

0740-9729 ( Print ) 
A. R. LissWiley

0 0
Active ( 1981  -  9999 )   Progress and Topics in Cytogenetics

0733-9003 ( Print ) 
A. R. LissWiley

0 0
Inactive ( 1985 - 1986 )   Progress in Leukocyte Biology

0884-6790 ( Print ) 
A. R. LissReticuloendothelial SocietyWiley

0 0
Inactive ( 1981 - 2000 )   Prostate - Supplement

1050-5881 ( Print ) 
A. R. Liss

10 140
Active ( 1980  -  9999 )   Wistar Symposium Series

0271-9347 ( Print ) 
A. R. LissWileyWistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology

0 0
Periodicals Affiliated with A. R. Liss *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

19 RESULTS in 7 msec
Inactive ( 1991 - 199u )   Abstracts - Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology

N / A
WileyA. R. Liss

0 0
Inactive ( 1983 - 1990 )   Advances in Biotechnological Processes

0736-2293 ( Print ) 
WileyA. R. Liss

12 91
Active ( 1989  -  9999 )   American Journal of Human Biology

1042-0533 ( Print )  1520-6300 ( Online ) 
WileyA. R. LissHuman Biology Association.

242 4601
Active ( 1980  -  9999 )   American Journal of Industrial Medicine

0271-3586 ( Print )  1097-0274 ( Online ) 
WileyA. R. Liss

505 6547
Inactive ( 1986 - 1990 )   American Journal of Medical Genetics - Supplement

1040-3787 ( Print ) 
WileyA. R. Liss

7 265
Inactive ( 1986 - 1992 )   American Journal of Physiologic Imaging

0885-8276 ( Print ) 
Blackwell MunksgaardA. R. LissMunksgaard International Publishers

27 207
Active ( 1989  -  9999 )   American Journal of Reproductive Immunology (AJRI)

1046-7408 ( Print )  1600-0897 ( Online ) 
WileyA. R. LissAmerican Society for Reproductive Immunology (ASRI)Israel Society for Reproductive Immunology.

438 5291
Active ( 1983  -  9999 )   Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology

0739-4462 ( Print )  1520-6327 ( Online ) 
WileyA. R. Liss

455 3032
Inactive ( 1987 - 1988 )   Diagnostic and Clinical Immunology

0895-0458 ( Print ) 
International Union of CrystallographyA. R. Liss

6 66
Inactive ( 1983 - 1986 )   Diagnostic Immunology

0735-3111 ( Print ) 
WileyA. R. Liss

18 168