
Publisher Hanley and Belfus Medical Publications


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Periodicals Published by Hanley and Belfus Medical Publications
5 RESULTS in 81 msec
Inactive ( 1995 - 2010 )   Dermatopathology, Practical and Conceptual

1078-4454 ( Print )  1936-9409 ( Online ) 
Hanley and Belfus Medical Publications

1 4
Inactive ( 1994 - 1996 )   Health Care Management (Philadelphia, Pa.)

1069-6571 ( Print ) 
Hanley and Belfus Medical Publications

3 65
Inactive ( 1986 - 2002 )   Occupational Medicine : State of the Art Reviews

0885-114X ( Print ) 
Hanley and Belfus Medical Publications

71 929
Periodicals Affiliated with Hanley and Belfus Medical Publications *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

9 RESULTS in 8 msec
Active ( 1994  -  9999 )   Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM)

1069-6563 ( Print )  1553-2712 ( Online ) 
WileyHanley and Belfus Medical PublicationsSociety for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)

404 11484
Active ( 1989  -  9999 )   Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

1040-2446 ( Print )  1938-808X ( Online ) 
Lippincott, Williams and WilkinsAssociation of American Medical CollegesHanley and Belfus Medical Publications

505 15787
Inactive ( 1990 - 2003 )   Adolescent Medicine (1990-2003)

1041-3499 ( Print )  1545-0058 ( Online ) 
ElsevierHanley and Belfus Medical PublicationsW. B. Saunders Company, Ltd.

42 550
Inactive ( 1995 - 2018 )   International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health (IJOEH)

1077-3525 ( Print )  2049-3967 ( Online ) 
Taylor and Francis GroupHanley and Belfus Medical PublicationsInternational Commission on Occupational HealthManey Publishing

100 1320
Active ( 1986  -  9999 )   Journal of General Internal Medicine

0884-8734 ( Print )  1525-1497 ( Online ) 
SpringerHanley and Belfus Medical PublicationsSociety for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal MedicineSociety of General Internal MedicineWiley

517 13241
Active ( 1987  -  9999 )   Journal of Hand Therapy

0894-1130 ( Print )  1545-004X ( Online ) 
ElsevierHanley and Belfus Medical Publications

150 3281
Active ( 1994  -  9999 )   Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)

1067-5027 ( Print )  1527-974X ( Online ) 
Oxford University Press (OUP)American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)BMJ Publishing GroupElsevierHanley and Belfus Medical Publications

238 4705
Active ( 1986  -  9999 )   Medical Problems of Performing Artists

0885-1158 ( Print )  1938-2766 ( Online ) 
Science and MedicineHanley and Belfus Medical Publications

99 877