
Publisher American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)


No description available.

Periodicals Published by American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
1 RESULTS in 3 msec
Active ( 2014  -  9999 )   ACEP Now

1551-9171 ( Print )  2328-8949 ( Online )  2333-2603 ( Online ) 
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)Society of Emergency Medicine Physician AssistantsWiley

0 0
Periodicals Affiliated with American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

3 RESULTS in 4 msec
Active ( 1980  -  9999 )   Annals of Emergency Medicine

0196-0644 ( Print )  1097-6760 ( Online )  0197-6779 ( INVALID ) 
ElsevierAmerican College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)MosbyUniversity Association for Emergency Medicine.

560 33267
Inactive ( 1972 - 1979 )   Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians (JACEP)

0361-1124 ( Print )  1876-4711 ( Online ) 
ElsevierAmerican College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)Mosby

72 1957
Active ( 2019  -  9999 )   Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open

2688-1152 ( Online ) 
WileyAmerican College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)

28 1193