
Publisher Urban and Partner


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Periodicals Affiliated with Urban and Partner *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

8 RESULTS in 13 msec
Active ( 1970  -  9999 )   Acta Haematologica Polonica

0001-5814 ( Print )  2300-7117 ( Online ) 
Via MedicaDe GruyterElsevierPaństwowy Zaklad Wydawnicto Lekarskich (PZWL)Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologów i TransfuzjologówSciendoUrban and Partner

148 2187
Active ( 2002  -  9999 )   HIV and AIDS Review

1730-1270 ( Print )  1732-2707 ( Online ) 
Termedia Publishing HouseElsevierMedical Science InternationalPolish AIDS Research SocietyUrban and Partner

74 649
Active ( 1947  -  9999 )   Otolaryngologia Polska

0030-6657 ( Print )  2300-8423 ( Online ) 
Index Copernicus InternationalElsevierUrban and Partner

391 6809
Active ( 1921  -  9999 )   Pediatria Polska

0031-3939 ( Print )  2300-8660 ( Online ) 
Termedia Publishing HouseElsevierPaństwowy Zaklad Wydawnicto Lekarskich (PZWL)Polish Pediatric SocietyUrban and Partner

523 8458
Active ( 1993  -  9999 )   Polish Annals of Medicine

1230-8013 ( Print )  2083-5914 ( Online ) 
Warmińsko-Mazurska Izba Lekarska w OlsztynieElsevierUrban and Partner

25 571
Active ( 1998  -  9999 )   Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

1507-1367 ( Print )  2083-4640 ( Online ) 
Wielkopolskie Centrum OnkologiiElsevierMedical Science InternationalUrban and PartnerVia Medica

164 3229
Active ( 1998  -  9999 )   Wiadomości Psychiatryczne

1505-7429 ( Print ) 
ElsevierUrban and Partner

0 0
Active ( 2004  -  9999 )   Zeszyty Naukowe Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii

1734-0489 ( Print ) 
Wielkopolskie Centrum OnkologiiElsevierUrban and Partner

15 205