
Publisher International Press (IP)


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Periodicals Published by International Press (IP)
26 RESULTS in 7 msec
Active ( 1882  -  9999 )   Acta Mathematica

0001-5962 ( Print )  1871-2509 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Institut Mittag-LefflerSpringer

311 2187
Active ( 1997  -  9999 )   Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

1095-0761 ( Print )  1095-0753 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

170 933
Active ( 2016  -  9999 )   Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

2380-288X ( Print )  2380-2898 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

18 108
Active ( 1949  -  9999 )   Arkiv för Matematik

0004-2080 ( Print )  1871-2487 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Institut Mittag-LefflerSpringer

124 1423
Active ( 1997  -  9999 )   Asian Journal of Mathematics

1093-6106 ( Print )  1945-0036 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

122 952
  Beijing Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

2994-8444 ( Print )  2994-8452 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

1 6
Active ( 2013  -  9999 )   Cambridge Journal of Mathematics

2168-0930 ( Print )  2168-0949 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

39 106
  Communications in Analysis and Geometry

1019-8385 ( Print )  1944-9992 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

161 1046
Active ( 2001  -  9999 )   Communications in Information and Systems (CIS)

1526-7555 ( Print )  2163-4548 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute of Mathematical Sciences

93 404
Active ( 2003  -  9999 )   Communications in Mathematical Sciences

1539-6746 ( Print )  1945-0796 ( Online ) 
International Press (IP)

129 1486

Periodicals Affiliated with International Press (IP) *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

1 RESULTS in 5 msec
  AMS / IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics

1089-3288 ( Print )  2472-5153 ( Online ) 
American Mathematical Society (AMS)International Press (IP)

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