
Publisher American Applied Sciences Research Institute (AASRI)


The American Applied Sciences Research Institute is a prestigious and not for profit international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Applied Sciences. The organization plays vital role in promoting developments Applied Science in a wide range of ways and conducting collaborative interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise. They also organize a number of conferences, workshops and seminars with an aim to encourage regional and international communication and collaboration and promote professional interaction and lifelong learning. They also encourage scholar researchers to pursue studies and careers in Applied Sciences. Moreover, they also publishes high quality academic international journals in Applied Sciences. [1]

Periodicals Published by American Applied Sciences Research Institute (AASRI)
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Inactive ( 2012 - 2014 )   AASRI Procedia

2212-6716 ( Print )  2212-6724 ( Online ) 
American Applied Sciences Research Institute (AASRI)Elsevier

9 430