
Publisher Morgan Kaufmann Publishers


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Periodicals Published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
1 RESULTS in 13 msec
  Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

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Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

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Periodicals Affiliated with Morgan Kaufmann Publishers *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

2 RESULTS in 5 msec
Active ( 1989  -  9999 )   Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

1049-5258 ( Print ) 
MIT PressMorgan Kaufmann Publishers

41 207
Active ( 1994  -  9999 )   Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)

1076-9757 ( Print )  1943-5037 ( Online ) 
AI Access FoundationAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial IntelligenceMorgan Kaufmann Publishers

82 1580