
Publisher Scrivener Publishing LLC


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Periodicals Published by Scrivener Publishing LLC
1 RESULTS in 4 msec
Active ( 2013  -  9999 )   Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives

2168-0965 ( Print )  2168-0973 ( Online ) 
Versemark Publishers LtdScrivener Publishing LLC

32 102
Periodicals Affiliated with Scrivener Publishing LLC *

* periodicals that are sponsored / co-sponsored by OR formerly hosted / published by

3 RESULTS in 4 msec
Inactive ( 2016 - 2018 )   Journal of Natural Gas Engineering

2379-2884 ( Print )  2379-2892 ( Online ) 
De GruyterScrivener Publishing LLC

6 29
Active ( 2013  -  9999 )   Journal of Renewable Materials

2164-6341 ( Print )  2164-6325 ( Print ) 
Tech Science PressScrivener Publishing LLC

90 1152
Inactive ( 2014 - 2019 )   Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering

2164-6287 ( Print )  2164-6295 ( Online ) 
De GruyterScrivener Publishing LLC

25 130