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The Scholarly Kitchen is a moderated and independent blog. Opinions on The Scholarly Kitchen are those of the authors. They are not necessarily those held by the Society for Scholarly Publishing nor by their respective employers. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July
18 RESULTS in 23 msec

Forget about AI, Here Comes PowerPoint

David Crotty

Scholarly Kitchen , 2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July

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A Look Under the Hood of Scopus AI: An Interview with Maxim Khan

Todd A Carpenter

Scholarly Kitchen , 2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July

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Guest Post: Improving Methods Reporting in the Life Sciences

Marcel Laflamme

Scholarly Kitchen , 2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July

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Woefully Insufficient Publisher Policies on Author AI Use Put Research Integrity at Risk

Avi Staiman

Scholarly Kitchen , 2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July

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A Successful Start to a New Festival of Identifiers: PIDfest 2024

Alice Meadows , Phill Jones , Todd A Carpenter

Scholarly Kitchen , 2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July

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Kitchen Essentials: An Interview with Wendy Queen of Project MUSE

Roger C. Schonfeld

Scholarly Kitchen , 2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7, July

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