Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0494-1373 ( Print )   |   2980-3187 ( Online )   Active

Journal Tuberculosis and Thorax

Aim & Scope

Tuberculosis and Thorax is a periodical journal of Turkish Association of Tuberculosis and Thorax and has been published quarterly in March, June, September and December since 1953. A peer-reviewed system is used to select manuscripts. The languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Original research articles are particularly supported and encouraged. The goal of the Journal is to present collective scientific knowledge and the scientific background via experimental and clinical studies, reviews, case reports, short communications and letters to the editor. To undertake a novel effort in the international representation and attribution of published articles are the other aims of the journal. The target readers of the Tuberculosis and Thorax include chest diseases specialists and residents as well as all other physicians working in the field of chest diseases. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 72, ISSUE 2
11 RESULTS in 26 msec

Investigation of age and smoking in NSCLC patients with uncommon EGFR mutations

Y Maezawa , M Taguchi , T Kawakami , ... , N Hizawa

Tuberculosis and Thorax , 2024 - VOLUME 72, ISSUE 2 , pp 107-113.


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Exploring intensivist involvement: Patient characteristics, interventions and outcomes

H Arikan , A Yeler , R Esen

Tuberculosis and Thorax , 2024 - VOLUME 72, ISSUE 2 , pp 145-151.


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Co-existence of sarcoidosis and pulmonary embolism

Ö Velioğlu Yakut , M Öz , S Erol , ... , Ö Özdemir Kumbasar

Tuberculosis and Thorax , 2024 - VOLUME 72, ISSUE 2 , pp 173-175.


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