Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0965-2302 ( Print )   |   1532-9267 ( Online )   Inactive

Journal Accident and Emergency Nursing

Aim & Scope

Accident and Emergency Nursing is a subscriber-based journal devoted to accident and emergency (A&E) nurses and their interests. The Editor, Bob Wright, is internationally known as one of the leading figures in A&E nursing. A&E nurses need to be up to date on a wide range of topics, and their specialist needs are poorly covered in the mainstream journals. The journal covers a wide range of situations with which the A&E nurse is expected to cope, reflects the scope of the A&E nurse's responsibilities, highlights the growing number of practical and personal skills needed in A&E nursing, covers the many medico-legal issues in A&E nursing and caters for all levels of staff working in emergency settings throughout the world. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1993  -  2007  ) Accident and Emergency Nursing (  2008  -  9999  ) International Emergency Nursing
2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 4
20 RESULTS in 25 msec

Editorial board

No authors listed.

Accident and Emergency Nursing , 2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 4 , p i.


0 0


Index to volume 15

No authors listed.

Accident and Emergency Nursing , 2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 4 , pp I-VII.


0 0


Poverty and emergency care.

H McClelland

Accident and Emergency Nursing , 2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 4 , pp 181-182.


0 0


What is poverty to you?

C Wood

Accident and Emergency Nursing , 2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 4 , pp 183-184.


  0 0


Considering theories of aggression in an emergency department context.

T Ferns

Accident and Emergency Nursing , 2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 4 , pp 193-200.


5 0


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
2 RESULTS in 7 msec

Notice of Retraction

No authors listed.

Accident and Emergency Nursing
2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 3

p 121.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1

Nursing role on preventing secondary brain injury.

S Celik , G Aksoy , N Akyolcu

Accident and Emergency Nursing
2004 - VOLUME 12, ISSUE 2 pp 94-98.
  Retracted Publication
1 0

Notice of Retraction

HM McClelland

Accident and Emergency Nursing
2007 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2

p 72.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1