Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2731-0590 ( Online )   Active

Journal Nature Cardiovascular Research

Aim & Scope

Cardiovascular disease causes one-third of deaths worldwide and represents an urgent threat to global health. The scientific, clinical, pharmacological and public health communities have coordinated efforts to prevent, diagnose, treat and cure cardiovascular disease. This important mission depends upon advances in our understanding of the aetiology, molecular mechanisms and socioeconomic factors driving and affecting the disease. Nature Cardiovascular Research aims to serve this multidisciplinary community by providing a unifying publishing platform that will champion and disseminate original and important advances in basic, translational, clinical and public health research in cardiovascular biology and haematology. The journal will also serve as a forum for raising challenging questions and exchanging new concepts and ideas, which will inspire and stimulate future research directions. Topics covered in the journal include: Basic cardiovascular and haematology research: Development and angiogenesis; Haematopoiesis; Stem cell biology; Molecular and cellular biology; Physiology; Metabolism; Genetics and genomics; Systems biology and ‘omics approaches; Regenerative medicine, including tissue bioengineering; Inter-organ communication. Cardiovascular and blood diseases: Cardiac conduction and arrhythmia; Cardiomyopathy; Heart failure; Valvular disease; Congenital cardiovascular and blood diseases; Cardiovascular effects of inflammation; Ischaemic heart disease; Vascular and lymphatic disorders; Hypertension; Atherosclerosis; Stroke; Thrombosis and haemostasis; Bleeding disorders; Anaemia. Translational and clinical research: Prognostic and diagnostic tools and imaging techniques; Artificial intelligence and technology; New techniques and resources; Drug targeting; Treatments of cardiovascular or blood diseases; Clinical trials and observations. Cardiovascular and blood health sciences: Public and global health; Public policy. [1]

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Series / Collection
47 RESULTS in 10 msec
Active ( 1869  -  9999 )   Nature

0028-0836 ( Print )  1476-4687 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

8130 435098
Active ( 2021  -  9999 )   Nature Africa

2730-9878 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

4 584
Active ( 2021  -  9999 )   Nature Aging

2662-8465 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

43 661
Active ( 2017  -  9999 )   Nature Astronomy

2397-3366 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

94 2282
Active ( 2017  -  9999 )   Nature Biomedical Engineering

2157-846X ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

94 1220
Active ( 1996  -  9999 )   Nature Biotechnology

1087-0156 ( Print )  1546-1696 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

366 14656
Active ( 2020  -  9999 )   Nature Cancer

2662-1347 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

56 785
Active ( 2022  -  9999 )

  Nature Cardiovascular Research

2731-0590 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

35 497
Active ( 2017  -  9999 )   Nature Catalysis

2520-1158 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

82 1176
Active ( 1999  -  9999 )   Nature Cell Biology

1465-7392 ( Print )  1476-4679 ( Online ) 
Nature ResearchSpringer

312 6049

58 RESULTS in 17 msec

Cellular senescence is required for cardiac regeneration

No authors listed.

Nature Cardiovascular Research , 2024


0 5


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
4 RESULTS in 12 msec

PubPeer Comment

Eluma Purpurascens

2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 4

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Trhypochthoniellus Crassus

2023 - VOLUME 2023, ISSUE 6

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Cryptococcus Fagi

2022 - VOLUME 2022, ISSUE 7

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0