
Subject Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences


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355 RESULTS in 18 msec
Active ( 2011  -  9999 )   3 Biotech

2190-572X ( Print )  2190-5738 ( Online ) 

114 3992
Active ( 2021  -  9999 )   ACS Agricultural Science and Technology

2692-1952 ( Online ) 
American Chemical Society (ACS)

31 467
Active ( 1991  -  9999 )   Acta Agrestia Sinica

1007-0435 ( Print ) 
China Agricultural University (CAU)Caodi Xuebao Bianjibu

0 0
Active ( 2004  -  9999 )   Acta Agriculturae Slovenica

1581-9175 ( Print )  1854-1941 ( Online ) 
De Gruyter OpenUniversity of LjubljanaUniversity of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

91 1222
Active ( 1971  -  9999 )   Acta Amazonica

0044-5967 ( Print )  1809-4392 ( Online ) 
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)

215 3114
Active ( 1982  -  9999 )   Acta Biológica Colombiana

0120-548X ( Print )  1900-1649 ( Online ) 
Universidad Nacional de ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología

32 541
  Acta Biologica Szegediensis

1588-385X ( Print )  1588-4082 ( Online ) 
University of SzegedUniversity of Szeged, Faculty of Sciences

12 140
Active ( 1935  -  9999 )   Acta Biotheoretica

0001-5342 ( Print )  1572-8358 ( Online ) 
SpringerBrill Academic PublishersKluwer Academic Publishers

237 1500
Active ( 1960  -  9999 )   Acta Palaeobotanica

0001-6594 ( Print )  2082-0259 ( Online ) 
Polish Academy of SciencesDe Gruyter OpenPolish Academy of Sciences, Wladysław Szafer Institute of BotanySciendo

22 176
Active ( 1963  -  9999 )   Acta Protozoologica

0065-1583 ( Print )  1689-0027 ( Online ) 
Jagiellonian UniversityPolish Academy of SciencesPolish Academy of Sciences, Nencki Institute of Experimental BiologyPolish Scientific Publishers (PWN)

35 115


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