Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1523-388X ( Print )   TBD

Journal Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology

Aim & Scope

The Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology is an organized compilation covering international patent and journal literature related to pulp and paper technology. Each issue of the Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology contain approximately 16,400 records in each monthly issue, which are pulled from the most current data from PaperChem. PaperChem covers: • Corrosion • Economics and Research • Engineering and Process Control • Fiber Webs and Nonwovens • Films, Foils, and Laminates • Finishing and Converting • Forestry and Pulpwood • Gluing, Labeling, and Sealing • Machinery Equipment and Maintenance • Mill Construction and Operation • Packaging • Pulp, Paper, and Board • Silvichemicals and Residues • Spent Liquors and Pollution Control • Tissue Culture The Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology is arranged via descriptors from the Paperchem Thesaurus. The Thesaurus contains approximately 9000 controlled terms. In addition there is an author index and a subject index. [1]

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